IFRS Compliance Package

IFRS Compliance Package

With the IFRS Compliance Package, which enables inventory costing to be performed in accordance with TMS/TFRS regulations, foreign currency valuations and amortization calculations are performed easily. Calculation of the different interest accruals (rediscount) in bank loans and time deposits, as well as provision for value decrease in fixed assets and net realizable value is included in the IFRS Compliance package.

If a material is scrapped or worthless in the market for any other reason, allocation of provision or allowance for doubtful trade receivables is performed on the system. Valuation of stock certificates and allocation of provisions as well as provision for employment termination benefits, cash discounts in purchases and sales and rediscount calculations in accordance with TMS/TFRS regulations are also included in the IFRS Compliance Solution features.


  • Compliance with IFRS legislation
  • Automated calculation and accounting
  • Rapid implementation
  • Updates for compliance with legislation
  • Option for adding to and removing from package content to meet needs
  • Customer-specific records



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