Training and Meeting Management
One of the sub-modules of the SAP HR module is training and meeting management. The main purpose of this module is to provide a platform for the provision and management of the personnel development of the companies in a more systematic and efficient way, together with other HR development modules.
A training catalog is created, which lists the trainings through training and meeting management. The sessions of the trainings in the catalog can be set to be carried out on a one-off basis or on a regular basis. Trainings can be given by companies or outsourced trainers. All details, from where the meeting will be held to the materials to be used in the meeting, can be managed within the system as a source. Different attendances regarding the training, such as pre-registration/final registration/displacement/cancellation can be performed by the personnel. Information such as which training programs will contribute to the personnel can be kept in each training. After the trainings are organized and participation is realized, both the trainer and the participants can evaluate each other mutually. In addition, the qualifications that the training provides to the personnel can be automatically recorded in the personnel record, depending on the participant's performance.
Why Important?
Within the training and meeting management, cost calculations can be made depending on the trainings organized and the types of resources used. In this way, the training budget of the firms can be planned and changes can be made in the planning of the trainings offered depending on the budget.
Training and meeting management has integration with other SAP modules. In this way, a certain part of the data managed within this module can reach different points within SAP.